
The information contained herein was prepared by CK Capital Partners B.V. (CKCP). This information is confidential and proprietary to CKCP or its affiliates and, accordingly, this information is to be treated as strictly confidential and not disclosed directly or indirectly to any party other than the recipient and its advisers. You may not reproduce or distribute the information contained herein in whole or in part nor share such information with any third parties without the prior written consent of CKCP as the case may be.

The information contained herein was obtained from a number of sources, including, but not limited to, third party reports and publicly available information which CKCP or its affiliates believe, but does not guarantee, to be accurate and does not purport to summarize all of the information that may be material to the recipient. The information contained herein was prepared on the basis of certain assumptions and projections, future market conditions and other matters, as set forth herein. None of CKCP or its affiliates has independently verified or audited such information and none of them is making any representation or warranty regarding, nor do they assume any responsibility for, the accuracy or completeness of the information included herein or the reasonableness of the assumptions and projections on which any portion thereof is based and CK and its affiliates expressly disclaim liability for errors or omissions in such information. No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, non infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose, is given in conjunction with such information and materials.

In addition, all of the information is of a date prior, and in some cases significantly prior, to the date hereof. The recipient should not assume that such information, even if accurate as of its date, is accurate as of the date hereof. None of CKCP or its affiliates is under an obligation to update the information contained in the materials attached hereto.

The information attached hereto may be based in part on hypothetical projections and past performance, and has certain inherent limitations. The information is provided to you on the understanding that as a sophisticated investor, you will understand and accept its inherent limitations, will not rely on the information in making any investment decision. Nothing contained herein shall constitute any representation or warranty as to future performance. CKCP and its affiliates are not acting in the capacity of your financial or legal advisor or fiduciary.

Under no circumstances is this information to be used or considered as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy, any security. The information contained herein is in summary form for convenience of presentation. It is not complete and it should not be relied upon as such.